之前华文媒体把Michael Puhaindran的名字翻译成麦克,这次他才说,原来他的华文名叫“迈克”,他说,“迈”是迈进、进步;“克”是克服。
明天下午3时,迈克将在慧燕安息的天使之后天主教堂(Church of St Mary of the Angels,位于武吉巴督东2道)举办追思会。迈克说,这是个私人追思会,不希望太多公众前来。
答:以前有,不过并没有什么人跟我打招呼。话说回来,我不怎么去那些吵闹的地方比如购物中心(我还没去过Ion Orchard)、夜店和高级餐厅,因为那是以前常跟慧燕做的事。我一直住在东部,刚开始时,我甚至连吃饭都坚持只在东部,那里是我的安全地带。
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Justus' wedding
Absolutely enjoyed Justus' wedding today!
It was a great time of catching up with people all the way since secondary school! And come to think of it, all of us have known each other for 13 years! Woo hoo! So happy and high today! For all of us, it's the first time that we drank so much for a lunch banquet. There were three bottoms up with just too much alcohol in each glass. At the end of it, we were just too high that we asked for two rounds of Chinese tea. Really funny. A lot of laughter and joy. Happy for Justus and glad to see everyone.
It was a great time of catching up with people all the way since secondary school! And come to think of it, all of us have known each other for 13 years! Woo hoo! So happy and high today! For all of us, it's the first time that we drank so much for a lunch banquet. There were three bottoms up with just too much alcohol in each glass. At the end of it, we were just too high that we asked for two rounds of Chinese tea. Really funny. A lot of laughter and joy. Happy for Justus and glad to see everyone.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Renovation works
Really happy to be home on a Monday night. Had planned to go to the gym tonight since Joshua is having his off day on Wednesday (Wednesday is my usual gym day) but decided to call it off. I was just too tired. I slept at 4am on Friday and Saturday and woke up five hours later and I slept at 1am on Sunday. I was really tired. In fact, I was waiting for time to pass so that I could knock off since I finished my stuff in the morning and my meeting in the afternoon was called off.
Anyway, some updates about my house. Renovation works started last week!
Here's a look at the before and after.
Really happy to be home on a Monday night. Had planned to go to the gym tonight since Joshua is having his off day on Wednesday (Wednesday is my usual gym day) but decided to call it off. I was just too tired. I slept at 4am on Friday and Saturday and woke up five hours later and I slept at 1am on Sunday. I was really tired. In fact, I was waiting for time to pass so that I could knock off since I finished my stuff in the morning and my meeting in the afternoon was called off.
Anyway, some updates about my house. Renovation works started last week!
Here's a look at the before and after.
Living Room
Basically, there was a lot of hacking. The false ceilings were all removed, including the timber skirting. All that is left is what you see. So, there will be a lot of plastering work to be done. The air conditioner will be installed tomorrow and painting works will begin soon!
Can't wait for the house to be done!
Thursday, November 05, 2009
A recent family event left me reeling with the scholars from my extended family. The rest of the cousins, like me, who were non-scholars were disgusted with those "elites". But then again, we are thankful that although we may not have the IQ, we have the EQ which is far more important. Now, Eddie Teo (Chairman, Public Service Commission) came up with this speech on scholars. Agree with him in some points. The speech is ten pages long, read it if you have the time. Below is the report from The Straits Times:
MOST of the current generation of young scholars are responsible and dedicated, but a few have a poor attitude and misplaced expectations. Some are very choosy about their postings and tend to place their personal interest above organisational interest, said chairman of the Public Service Commission Eddie Teo.
'Many Management Associates or MAs want to go to Ministry of Trade and Industry or Ministry of Finance for their first postings and get upset if they are posted elsewhere. One was so upset that he resigned, breaking his bond,' said Mr Teo, in an address to some 350 scholarship holders from 27 public agencies at the annual Singapore Seminar in London on Oct 31.
'When some young MAs were asked to go to NTUC to observe retrenchment exercises and learn about what impact the current economic recession is having on ordinary Singaporeans, one MA asked 'What is a retrenchment exercise?''
Mr Teo raised this to highlight why the Public Service is concerned about this group of young scholars who are seeking to advance only their self-interest, as 'it indicates that they may be unable to work in a team.' He is also worried that if fewer and fewer young scholars desire ground postings, more of them may become divorced from ground issues and will start to lose their empathy for ordinary Singaporeans.
But Mr Teo hastened to add: 'The problem is not yet so widespread that it cannot be rolled back. There is still time for the Public Service to correct the trend.'
In his speech, titled 'Defending Scholarships but not all Scholars', Mr Teo dwelt on bond breaking and attrition of scholars, two emerging trends in Singapore's scholarship system, as well as addressed the question on whether the Government is giving out too many scholarships and not enough bursaries for students from poorer backgrounds.
MOST of the current generation of young scholars are responsible and dedicated, but a few have a poor attitude and misplaced expectations. Some are very choosy about their postings and tend to place their personal interest above organisational interest, said chairman of the Public Service Commission Eddie Teo.
'Many Management Associates or MAs want to go to Ministry of Trade and Industry or Ministry of Finance for their first postings and get upset if they are posted elsewhere. One was so upset that he resigned, breaking his bond,' said Mr Teo, in an address to some 350 scholarship holders from 27 public agencies at the annual Singapore Seminar in London on Oct 31.
'When some young MAs were asked to go to NTUC to observe retrenchment exercises and learn about what impact the current economic recession is having on ordinary Singaporeans, one MA asked 'What is a retrenchment exercise?''
Mr Teo raised this to highlight why the Public Service is concerned about this group of young scholars who are seeking to advance only their self-interest, as 'it indicates that they may be unable to work in a team.' He is also worried that if fewer and fewer young scholars desire ground postings, more of them may become divorced from ground issues and will start to lose their empathy for ordinary Singaporeans.
But Mr Teo hastened to add: 'The problem is not yet so widespread that it cannot be rolled back. There is still time for the Public Service to correct the trend.'
In his speech, titled 'Defending Scholarships but not all Scholars', Mr Teo dwelt on bond breaking and attrition of scholars, two emerging trends in Singapore's scholarship system, as well as addressed the question on whether the Government is giving out too many scholarships and not enough bursaries for students from poorer backgrounds.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Bad customer service
Joshua and I went to a foreign bank last week to apply for a renovation loan. We chose the bank simply because it offered the lowest interest rates. Other than that, there would be no other reason for me to step into the bank at all.
Anyway, my first impression of the Relationship Manager I met was not good. Well, he was a tall lanky guy, well dressed but not sharp at all. Halfway into our session with him, I seriously started to think if I should get someone else. For every question I asked, he had to go out to ask his colleague. What about knowing your work?! Even if you are a rookie, at least will know something right?! Anyway, the last straw came when he said we couldn't apply as joint applicants as we are not married! Hello?!?!? I brought along our ROM registration form to certify that we are getting married on 5 Dec! I turned towards Joshua and told him to call a friend of ours who I was very sure was not married when he and his then fiancee applied for the renovation loan. I was right! The RM then called his colleagues upstairs and confirmed that we could apply for the loan.
Fast forward to Monday, our loan was approved and Joshua and I was there to sign the letter of offer. I was early and Joshua was still on his way. I went into the bank and looked for the RM. He said I looked different because I was standing up and because the last time he saw me I was sitting down. *Roll eyes*
If you have nothing better to say, do not say anything. I'll be fine even if you talk to me about the weather.
I started reading the letter of offer and I was barely into the first paragraph when I realised that something was wrong. We applied for a fixed interest rate loan, not a floating one! The RM went into the "Oh no, this has never happened before, how did this happen"? As if I could answer his question. Duh.
I asked the RM what could be done. He had to check with his colleague. Nothing new about that. He came back and told me that I would have to come back on Tuesday as the bank needed one day to make the amendments! So... I raised my voice. It was totally unacceptable. How could they waste my time like this?! I made my way to the bank because they said the documents were ready and for goodness sake, the letter of offer has a standard template. Why would they need one day to recalculate, or change whatsoever?! I told the RM that I wanted the changes made within the next hour and that I was not going to waste my time and effort to come back another day. Shouldn't he check the document before I come?! So, he told me to have lunch first since I am hungry and he was hungry too! Who cares about him being hungry?! My goodness. Mind you, there was NO apology from him.
Sigh... There is still a part 2 to this but I have no energy to write a long long essay. The good thing? The loan is approved, I collected the cheques and I do not need to go back to the bank for the longest of times.
Anyway, my first impression of the Relationship Manager I met was not good. Well, he was a tall lanky guy, well dressed but not sharp at all. Halfway into our session with him, I seriously started to think if I should get someone else. For every question I asked, he had to go out to ask his colleague. What about knowing your work?! Even if you are a rookie, at least will know something right?! Anyway, the last straw came when he said we couldn't apply as joint applicants as we are not married! Hello?!?!? I brought along our ROM registration form to certify that we are getting married on 5 Dec! I turned towards Joshua and told him to call a friend of ours who I was very sure was not married when he and his then fiancee applied for the renovation loan. I was right! The RM then called his colleagues upstairs and confirmed that we could apply for the loan.
Fast forward to Monday, our loan was approved and Joshua and I was there to sign the letter of offer. I was early and Joshua was still on his way. I went into the bank and looked for the RM. He said I looked different because I was standing up and because the last time he saw me I was sitting down. *Roll eyes*
If you have nothing better to say, do not say anything. I'll be fine even if you talk to me about the weather.
I started reading the letter of offer and I was barely into the first paragraph when I realised that something was wrong. We applied for a fixed interest rate loan, not a floating one! The RM went into the "Oh no, this has never happened before, how did this happen"? As if I could answer his question. Duh.
I asked the RM what could be done. He had to check with his colleague. Nothing new about that. He came back and told me that I would have to come back on Tuesday as the bank needed one day to make the amendments! So... I raised my voice. It was totally unacceptable. How could they waste my time like this?! I made my way to the bank because they said the documents were ready and for goodness sake, the letter of offer has a standard template. Why would they need one day to recalculate, or change whatsoever?! I told the RM that I wanted the changes made within the next hour and that I was not going to waste my time and effort to come back another day. Shouldn't he check the document before I come?! So, he told me to have lunch first since I am hungry and he was hungry too! Who cares about him being hungry?! My goodness. Mind you, there was NO apology from him.
Sigh... There is still a part 2 to this but I have no energy to write a long long essay. The good thing? The loan is approved, I collected the cheques and I do not need to go back to the bank for the longest of times.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Xinwei & Jenna's wedding
"This day I will marry my friend,
the one I laugh with, live for, and dream with..."
This was the tagline for Xinwei and Jenna's wedding invitation card.
And, this was one of the most touching wedding I ever attended this year.
Well, it's probably it's because I've known Jenna for seven years. We went through university together, took the same modules, went to church together after exams and lectures, knew of how Xinwei pursued her and knew of how Xinwei proposed. It might be all these or it might be not. But, I was certainly very happy for my friend getting married. The whole wedding was full of anticipation, beautiful pictures, and many well wishes. The atmosphere was just wonderful, their thank you speech was heartfelt and you could see the love, happiness and joy from their eyes.
All I can say is: I am very touched.
the one I laugh with, live for, and dream with..."
This was the tagline for Xinwei and Jenna's wedding invitation card.
And, this was one of the most touching wedding I ever attended this year.
Well, it's probably it's because I've known Jenna for seven years. We went through university together, took the same modules, went to church together after exams and lectures, knew of how Xinwei pursued her and knew of how Xinwei proposed. It might be all these or it might be not. But, I was certainly very happy for my friend getting married. The whole wedding was full of anticipation, beautiful pictures, and many well wishes. The atmosphere was just wonderful, their thank you speech was heartfelt and you could see the love, happiness and joy from their eyes.
All I can say is: I am very touched.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Went into this old song phase recently and was listening to a lot of Chinese songs in the late 90s and early 2000. Then I stumbled upon this song again. Like singing it in the KTV but it's a hard song to sing. By the time you finish singing this song, it's like you have no more breath in you. But still, I challenge myself with this song every time. Hopefully, it doesn't hurt my vocal cords.
Wedding band...
Random thoughts
Realise that I am not blogging as frequently as I want to. Hmm.. I posted 53 posts in 2008, so this year I should beat last year's postings! Hahaha... A mad competition within myself. Heh... Anyway, September and this early October is a wedding month! For the past one month, I've attended three weddings with one more to come tomorrow. Happy for all the couples but it has also burnt a hole in my pocket. Haha. Nah, I shouldn't be so pessimistic, mine is coming up anyway!
At the same time, I am trying to do so many things! We've sent the invitations for printing, we've selected the gown, we've selected the bridal car, blah blah blah. A little bit stressed at times but also quite fun!
At the same time, I am trying to do so many things! We've sent the invitations for printing, we've selected the gown, we've selected the bridal car, blah blah blah. A little bit stressed at times but also quite fun!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
So much things to do!
The wedding is in 10 weeks time!
It seems awfully near and there are so many things to do!
Still sorting out the guest list!
Can only start reno works in end-Oct.
Choose actual day gowns at the end of this month.
And... I need a lot of money!!!
It seems awfully near and there are so many things to do!
Still sorting out the guest list!
Can only start reno works in end-Oct.
Choose actual day gowns at the end of this month.
And... I need a lot of money!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I like the MV but I love the lyrics...
愿意为更懂你的心 spending all my life
愿意为一起看未来 spending all my life
愿意为爱你去忙碌 spending all my life
愿意为更懂你的心 spending all my life
愿意为一起看未来 spending all my life
愿意为爱你去忙碌 spending all my life
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Am liking this singalongsong by Khalil Fong...
I wrote this song it’s not too long
Cos’ I’ve been thinking ‘about you
I wrote this song maybe I’m wrong
To be caught up about you
Well I don’t know what you think ’bout me
Maybe you think nothing at all
But maybe you could just lie to me
And we could be in love you see
Oh it’s a singalong song that’s not too long
It’s when I think about you that I hear songs
And you can singalong maybe if you want to
Cos’ baby I wrote this I wrote this for you
I wrote this song it’s not too long
Cos’ I’m the one who loves you
I wrote this song this can’t be wrong
I don’t wanna smile without you
Well I just want to make you happy
But maybe you want nothing at all
And how I wish that you’re meant to be
Forever and a day with me
In everyway you mean more to me than you’ll ever know
Girl I’ll do my best to show these words are true
And if you’d like to make a song
And be a perfect harmony with me
I’d find the greatest words to sing
So we could write our own romance
I wrote this song it’s not too long
Cos’ I’ve been thinking ‘about you
I wrote this song maybe I’m wrong
To be caught up about you
Well I don’t know what you think ’bout me
Maybe you think nothing at all
But maybe you could just lie to me
And we could be in love you see
Oh it’s a singalong song that’s not too long
It’s when I think about you that I hear songs
And you can singalong maybe if you want to
Cos’ baby I wrote this I wrote this for you
I wrote this song it’s not too long
Cos’ I’m the one who loves you
I wrote this song this can’t be wrong
I don’t wanna smile without you
Well I just want to make you happy
But maybe you want nothing at all
And how I wish that you’re meant to be
Forever and a day with me
In everyway you mean more to me than you’ll ever know
Girl I’ll do my best to show these words are true
And if you’d like to make a song
And be a perfect harmony with me
I’d find the greatest words to sing
So we could write our own romance
Monday, August 10, 2009
For the past ten days...
The past ten days has been fun and happening although I was down with flu for the past few days. However, the month started well. I started working under a new boss, celebrated my birthday and CHC's 20th anniversary...
To all my dear friends who celebrated my birthday: I love you all to bits! Thanks for making my birthday a special one!

Me and my birthday brownie.

James, Wenkai, David, Alvin (who looks like he's shooting a watch ad), myself and Claudia.

With Sally.

With Joshua, of course.
And we had CHC's 20th anniversary! Sat through a six hour service that day, got the crystal block, shed buckets of tears and most importantly, thankful to God for all that He has given me, for all that He has given to this church and putting me in CHC. Absolutely loved the anniversary celebration and I am looking forward to another 20 years!

Richard, myself, Joshua, Steven, Cherie, Liyi, Jessica, Ivory and Wenkai - all of us in high spirits at the end of the service!
And yesterday... My dear aunt gave me a rock solid yellow gold bangle for my upcoming wedding! Hee... Uber cool!
To all my dear friends who celebrated my birthday: I love you all to bits! Thanks for making my birthday a special one!
Me and my birthday brownie.
James, Wenkai, David, Alvin (who looks like he's shooting a watch ad), myself and Claudia.
With Sally.
With Joshua, of course.
And we had CHC's 20th anniversary! Sat through a six hour service that day, got the crystal block, shed buckets of tears and most importantly, thankful to God for all that He has given me, for all that He has given to this church and putting me in CHC. Absolutely loved the anniversary celebration and I am looking forward to another 20 years!
Richard, myself, Joshua, Steven, Cherie, Liyi, Jessica, Ivory and Wenkai - all of us in high spirits at the end of the service!
And yesterday... My dear aunt gave me a rock solid yellow gold bangle for my upcoming wedding! Hee... Uber cool!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Back to civilisation
The laptop is back finally.
If the repair is not done properly this time, I am so going to scold the service personnel.
I do not want to go through this hassle again.
If the repair is not done properly this time, I am so going to scold the service personnel.
I do not want to go through this hassle again.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Nail woes
I really love the nail extensions that I did for my wedding photoshoot. Personally, I really think that they look fantastic. But... Nice being nice and when it becomes a hassle, it has to go. I had to file them off because it was just getting in the way of everything I was trying to do. I couldn't type properly. I couldn't pull up my zip properly. I couldn't write properly. Basically, I couldn't do a lot of things properly. The nails were just way too long and it affected my daily life!
So, bye bye lovely nails.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wishlist 101
To all my dear friends who read my blog and got worried, thanks so much for your concern. Really appreciate it.
No worries ok? I just had to rant and get the frustration out of my system. I am fine now.
Anyway, set my sight on a few things recently and I am so going to save money for all of it. Yah, they are "wants" not "needs". At least these are things that I look forward to. Hehehe.

iPod touch since my iPod nano is going haywire.

Harry Potter box set!

I must be getting mad to look forward to a non-camera phone. Hahaha.
No worries ok? I just had to rant and get the frustration out of my system. I am fine now.
Anyway, set my sight on a few things recently and I am so going to save money for all of it. Yah, they are "wants" not "needs". At least these are things that I look forward to. Hehehe.

iPod touch since my iPod nano is going haywire.

Harry Potter box set!

I must be getting mad to look forward to a non-camera phone. Hahaha.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
"Sian" to the max
I seriously do not know how to start writing this entry.
Is it a bad day or a bad week? I seriously do not know. But... I am just so down this week. So tired. So sick of what is going on. Sigh...
It all began on Monday. I woke up at 8am. Mind you, I start work at 8.30am. I jumped up of bed and then spent five minutes contemplating if I should go to work or maybe, I should just get an MC which by the way, would cost me less than taking a cab. Well, work prevailed. I had to hand in something on Thursday and since my Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons would be spent on meetings, I needed to do as much as possible on Monday. So, I took a cab and well, it was about 30 bucks.
On Wednesday, I was feeling down down down. My colleague got transferred out and I was there wondering, "why can't it be me"? All of a sudden, I felt so sick of what I was doing. I couldn't take it. I went to the toilet, sat down, and cry.
I don't like to pretend and I am not good at pretenses.
Go on and continue your pretense. Go on and continue to sideline me. Go on and continue to play your political games.
I don't want to be affected by you anymore.
It sounds cliche, but I will survive.
Is it a bad day or a bad week? I seriously do not know. But... I am just so down this week. So tired. So sick of what is going on. Sigh...
It all began on Monday. I woke up at 8am. Mind you, I start work at 8.30am. I jumped up of bed and then spent five minutes contemplating if I should go to work or maybe, I should just get an MC which by the way, would cost me less than taking a cab. Well, work prevailed. I had to hand in something on Thursday and since my Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons would be spent on meetings, I needed to do as much as possible on Monday. So, I took a cab and well, it was about 30 bucks.
On Wednesday, I was feeling down down down. My colleague got transferred out and I was there wondering, "why can't it be me"? All of a sudden, I felt so sick of what I was doing. I couldn't take it. I went to the toilet, sat down, and cry.
I don't like to pretend and I am not good at pretenses.
Go on and continue your pretense. Go on and continue to sideline me. Go on and continue to play your political games.
I don't want to be affected by you anymore.
It sounds cliche, but I will survive.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Bam! Haven't blogged for almost a month.
Oh well, the Aaron Kwok concert is still very much alive in my mind. Haha.
Anyway, some new things are coming up.
Met up with a dear friend recently and I'll be very involved in her wedding, so much so, that she has entrusted me with the position of a coordinator. First time I am doing it. Well, am going to try my best and make sure that everything goes well.
Then, there are some new challenges at work. But... There seems to be some underlying tension. Anyway, I'll just do a good job.
So, that's it. I wish I could write more but the brain is not working. I need a lot of sleep. Yawns.
Oh well, the Aaron Kwok concert is still very much alive in my mind. Haha.
Anyway, some new things are coming up.
Met up with a dear friend recently and I'll be very involved in her wedding, so much so, that she has entrusted me with the position of a coordinator. First time I am doing it. Well, am going to try my best and make sure that everything goes well.
Then, there are some new challenges at work. But... There seems to be some underlying tension. Anyway, I'll just do a good job.
So, that's it. I wish I could write more but the brain is not working. I need a lot of sleep. Yawns.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Aaron Kwok De Show Reel Live in Concert Singapore
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
We got it!
We sealed the deal!
We didn't have to pay cash.
We are going to buy it 15K below valuation.
We got the house!
We didn't have to pay cash.
We are going to buy it 15K below valuation.
We got the house!
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
It's a deal!
After much procrastination, much research (Yes! Research is needed!), much scouting around and much advice from my friends, I've finally signed up for my bridal package.
Went to Suntec after all the Easter services were over and went to the "much talkabout" wedding fair. Well, it was a small scale one and I ended up doing surveys, getting free gifts, filling up more than 10 copies of lucky draw entries (because we spent a whopping four-figure amount!) and yes, being pestered or should I say harassed by the sales personnel of the bridal boutiques in the exhibition. Joshua absolutely abhorred this kind of pushy sales tactics and he almost flared up before we even started looking at anything seriously. For me, I do not like pushy stuff either but we had to sit down somewhere. The bridal boutique that I was eyeing was involved in the exhibition so I had to take a look at it. Thank God, the sales personnel was not pushy at all (unlike the previous one I went to). We negotiated (absolutely necessary), saw the albums (we were sold when we saw the pictures) and signed up for it. The staff said that we would have to take our photos in June if our wedding is in December and that means, I have to choose my gowns this month! Screams! No time!.
Anyway, the bridal company gave us an interesting gift when we signed up for the package. It ain't cute, it is interesting.
What does this look like? Cosmetic box? Although I can't imagine any sane person would carry this around. Too red and bit of tai tai-ish.

Tada! It is full of biscuits and pastries! Apparently, the Taiwanese gives this away as their wedding gifts to relatives!

Two layers of 19 different types of biscuits and pastries.
Went to Suntec after all the Easter services were over and went to the "much talkabout" wedding fair. Well, it was a small scale one and I ended up doing surveys, getting free gifts, filling up more than 10 copies of lucky draw entries (because we spent a whopping four-figure amount!) and yes, being pestered or should I say harassed by the sales personnel of the bridal boutiques in the exhibition. Joshua absolutely abhorred this kind of pushy sales tactics and he almost flared up before we even started looking at anything seriously. For me, I do not like pushy stuff either but we had to sit down somewhere. The bridal boutique that I was eyeing was involved in the exhibition so I had to take a look at it. Thank God, the sales personnel was not pushy at all (unlike the previous one I went to). We negotiated (absolutely necessary), saw the albums (we were sold when we saw the pictures) and signed up for it. The staff said that we would have to take our photos in June if our wedding is in December and that means, I have to choose my gowns this month! Screams! No time!.
Anyway, the bridal company gave us an interesting gift when we signed up for the package. It ain't cute, it is interesting.
What does this look like? Cosmetic box? Although I can't imagine any sane person would carry this around. Too red and bit of tai tai-ish.
Tada! It is full of biscuits and pastries! Apparently, the Taiwanese gives this away as their wedding gifts to relatives!
Two layers of 19 different types of biscuits and pastries.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
God of My Forever
From the first time I sang this song, I fell in love with it.
It reminded me of the days when I first came to church as a youth. I was only secondary two then. Suddenly, I realised that I've been in this church for more than a decade!
Anyway, sang this song for worship today and once again, I was reminded of how God had bless me for the past ten years. Finishing my 'O' levels, then 'A' levels, university education, and then as a working adult. Different stages of my life with God in it. I was overwhelmed. Touched. Blessed. Reminded of how God has been there for me. Reminded of His Love. Reminded of His blessings.
Truly, He is God of My Forever.
It reminded me of the days when I first came to church as a youth. I was only secondary two then. Suddenly, I realised that I've been in this church for more than a decade!
Anyway, sang this song for worship today and once again, I was reminded of how God had bless me for the past ten years. Finishing my 'O' levels, then 'A' levels, university education, and then as a working adult. Different stages of my life with God in it. I was overwhelmed. Touched. Blessed. Reminded of how God has been there for me. Reminded of His Love. Reminded of His blessings.
Truly, He is God of My Forever.
Loan suspension?
Did my calculations.
It was ironic. The loan suspension would last from April 2009 to March 2010, about the exact same time that I would clear my loan repayment if I continue paying.
Well, after much thought and asking around for advice, I've decided to continue my loan repayment. Was quite reluctant initially, I mean, I thought the bank really gave me a good deal. Haha. But then again, why be bogged down by the loan when I still have the means to pay it?
Yes, I need the extra money.
It was ironic. The loan suspension would last from April 2009 to March 2010, about the exact same time that I would clear my loan repayment if I continue paying.
Well, after much thought and asking around for advice, I've decided to continue my loan repayment. Was quite reluctant initially, I mean, I thought the bank really gave me a good deal. Haha. But then again, why be bogged down by the loan when I still have the means to pay it?
Yes, I need the extra money.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Daydreams can come true...
Because of my debts and my upcoming wedding, I've been trying to save as much money as I can but it came to naught because of various reasons. So, I had a wish. I wished that the bank that I was in debt to would lose their banking records or whatsoever, so that my loan records would "vanish". Yah, I really thought of that. Mad, I know. Then... I thought if the universities are going to freeze their school fees, maybe the bank can suspend my loan repayment.
That wish came true.
Received a letter from the bank today. Apparently, they were commissioned by MOE to provide a suspension of loan repayment from 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010. I was jumping for joy because my daydream came true!
But now, I am thinking if I should continue paying. If I continue my payment, I would finish repaying my loan exactly in Mar 2010. This is so ironic.
I need to think, think, think.
Because of my debts and my upcoming wedding, I've been trying to save as much money as I can but it came to naught because of various reasons. So, I had a wish. I wished that the bank that I was in debt to would lose their banking records or whatsoever, so that my loan records would "vanish". Yah, I really thought of that. Mad, I know. Then... I thought if the universities are going to freeze their school fees, maybe the bank can suspend my loan repayment.
That wish came true.
Received a letter from the bank today. Apparently, they were commissioned by MOE to provide a suspension of loan repayment from 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010. I was jumping for joy because my daydream came true!
But now, I am thinking if I should continue paying. If I continue my payment, I would finish repaying my loan exactly in Mar 2010. This is so ironic.
I need to think, think, think.
Choir and weddings
I love attending church weddings of choir members. It will always be loud, boisterous, cat calls all over and a great time for me catch up with all my choir pals. Although some of us are no longer in choir, but it will always be a great time of gathering.
Attended Mario and Jolene's wedding today. It was so touching that even Pastor Ming shed tears, a first for him. I liked what he said at the end of the wedding:
"True love does not have a happy ending, it has no ending".
Attended Mario and Jolene's wedding today. It was so touching that even Pastor Ming shed tears, a first for him. I liked what he said at the end of the wedding:
"True love does not have a happy ending, it has no ending".
Friday, March 20, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Looking around
Sat through a gruelling one hour session with a certain bridal boutique yesterday night. Was almost tempted to sign or rather the sales personnel wanted me to sign on immediately. But, I held my ground. It was the first boutique that I saw and I need to look at others too!
Did my research, asked my friends and hmm... this boutique doesn't sound so good after all. My eyes are open big big now. More research, reviews and looking around.
Did my research, asked my friends and hmm... this boutique doesn't sound so good after all. My eyes are open big big now. More research, reviews and looking around.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Random thoughts
Had very spicy curry today and now, my stomach is still feeling the after effects of it...
I am tired but happy...
I want to sleep but I want to rest and relax first by watching videos. This is madness. Haha.
I am tired but happy...
I want to sleep but I want to rest and relax first by watching videos. This is madness. Haha.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Flu woes...
Took MC today...
I felt the first signs of the flu creeping up on me on Tuesday. On Wednesday, it was full blown but I was at work, trying to complete my filenote. By the end of it, I was literally stuffing tissue up my nose. My nose was hurting from all the blowing and the tissue "creating" friction with my nose.
So... I slept my day away today. Saw the doctor, took the usual medication. I came to realise that I always have the same sickness when I visit my GP. I could predict the medicine he gave me, predict the cost and even how long the consultation would take. Weird. Trust me to predict such things.
Anyway, I didn't know that I sound bad until I spoke to Hui Juan just now. She was alarmed at how I sound and I was alarmed that I sound so bad. Haha... I'm getting drowsy from the medication.
Good night...
I felt the first signs of the flu creeping up on me on Tuesday. On Wednesday, it was full blown but I was at work, trying to complete my filenote. By the end of it, I was literally stuffing tissue up my nose. My nose was hurting from all the blowing and the tissue "creating" friction with my nose.
So... I slept my day away today. Saw the doctor, took the usual medication. I came to realise that I always have the same sickness when I visit my GP. I could predict the medicine he gave me, predict the cost and even how long the consultation would take. Weird. Trust me to predict such things.
Anyway, I didn't know that I sound bad until I spoke to Hui Juan just now. She was alarmed at how I sound and I was alarmed that I sound so bad. Haha... I'm getting drowsy from the medication.
Good night...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Design for Living

转战职场 ,演尽上班族的想象与未来
八面玲珑 快活族 张艾嘉
理直气壮 乐活族 郑元畅
胜者为王 BoBo族 王耀庆
朝气蓬勃 NONO族 杨淇
光鲜亮丽 候鸟族 谢盈宣
坐而论道 丁克族 朱宏章
笑里藏刀 跳蚤族 庄凯勋
卧薪尝胆 本本族 黄建伟
手到拿来 99族 林钰玲
活色生香 辣奢族 吴天葳
悲天悯人 号哭族 陈恭铭
来去无定 穷忙族 彭浩秦
无限美白 月光族 林英杰
Design for Living is the 重头剧 for this year's Huayi Festival. It's been really a while since I saw a Chinese play, really hope that this will be good. Moreover, there's Sylvia Chang and the talented director Lin Yihua. Solid cast. Really looking forward to it.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
History made
Missed the live telecast of the inauguration last night. But... Thank God for technology! Now, I can just the internet to watch whatever I missed last night.
A few short sentences and Barack Obama was sworn in. What a day a difference made and for the White House, one minute was all it took to change from George W. Bush to Barack Obama. Amazing. The wonders of technology. Was typing a report today and then I realise that from now on, I need to write "former US President George Bush".
A few short sentences and Barack Obama was sworn in. What a day a difference made and for the White House, one minute was all it took to change from George W. Bush to Barack Obama. Amazing. The wonders of technology. Was typing a report today and then I realise that from now on, I need to write "former US President George Bush".
Monday, January 12, 2009
I love books!
I love my books. Literally. Be it novels, comics blah blah blah. I once threw a tantrum when my mum without asking for my permission lent my 18-serie Chinese comics to my cousin. These are precious. Yeah, that's how mad I can be. Been buying more books for the past two years. I used to rent a lot but now I buy them as well. Recently, I bought Twilight (I said I was frivolous!) and read it twice. Haha. Anyway, now its Barack Obama's turn, bought two of his books. I think the next in line would be the Inkheart trilogy. Heh.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Hey folks!
Its the 11th day into 2009, but still, since its the first entry for the year, Happy New Year!
Well, I've finally bought a new laptop! I can finally go on the internet after being internet-less for more than a month! Although its not the Macbook that I lusted, but I still love this new laptop of mine. If I had gone ahead with the Macbook, I would have spent another $800, so, cost being the consideration and the fact that I need to save a lot of money this year, I had to 割爱.
To the Macbook that would have been mine, we are not fated!
Anyway, I went back to the trusty brand of Toshiba for my new laptop. Considering that my old Toshiba lasted more than six years (yes, I used it for more than 6 years!), I really really trust this brand. So, here's a look at my new laptop:

Because of the very fact that I'm a frivolous person, I go for the LOOK and not the specifications, so the very fact that this model was available in pink attracted me instantly. Pity the salesman who was doing the pitch for the other laptop. Hehe...
In any case, I am so happy to be connected again!
Its the 11th day into 2009, but still, since its the first entry for the year, Happy New Year!
Well, I've finally bought a new laptop! I can finally go on the internet after being internet-less for more than a month! Although its not the Macbook that I lusted, but I still love this new laptop of mine. If I had gone ahead with the Macbook, I would have spent another $800, so, cost being the consideration and the fact that I need to save a lot of money this year, I had to 割爱.
To the Macbook that would have been mine, we are not fated!
Anyway, I went back to the trusty brand of Toshiba for my new laptop. Considering that my old Toshiba lasted more than six years (yes, I used it for more than 6 years!), I really really trust this brand. So, here's a look at my new laptop:

Because of the very fact that I'm a frivolous person, I go for the LOOK and not the specifications, so the very fact that this model was available in pink attracted me instantly. Pity the salesman who was doing the pitch for the other laptop. Hehe...
In any case, I am so happy to be connected again!
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