Thursday, July 02, 2009

"Sian" to the max

I seriously do not know how to start writing this entry.

Is it a bad day or a bad week? I seriously do not know. But... I am just so down this week. So tired. So sick of what is going on. Sigh...

It all began on Monday. I woke up at 8am. Mind you, I start work at 8.30am. I jumped up of bed and then spent five minutes contemplating if I should go to work or maybe, I should just get an MC which by the way, would cost me less than taking a cab. Well, work prevailed. I had to hand in something on Thursday and since my Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons would be spent on meetings, I needed to do as much as possible on Monday. So, I took a cab and well, it was about 30 bucks.

On Wednesday, I was feeling down down down. My colleague got transferred out and I was there wondering, "why can't it be me"? All of a sudden, I felt so sick of what I was doing. I couldn't take it. I went to the toilet, sat down, and cry.

I don't like to pretend and I am not good at pretenses.

Go on and continue your pretense. Go on and continue to sideline me. Go on and continue to play your political games.

I don't want to be affected by you anymore.

It sounds cliche, but I will survive.