Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Words in extinction?

Compossible (adj) - possible in co-existence

Mansuetude (n) - gentleness or mildness

Apodeictic (adj) - unquestionably true by virtue of demonstration

Caducity (n) - perishableness

Malison (n) - a curse

Fubsy (adj) - short and stout

Olid (adj) - foul-smelling

Niddering (adj) - cowardly

Seen these words before?

Well, I haven't come across these words since I learnt how to read and write. I was reading Time magazine when I came across all these. Apparently, these words are so rarely used that they are on the verge of extinction. It appears that the Collins English Dictionary is revamping the dictionary and they are considering to phase out words that are rarely used.

Hmm... And I thought only animals could be extinct?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Celliar Rouge

If you need a place to chill out, have wine, catch up with firends, then Celliar Rouge is the place!

Went there with Hui Juan last week. This bar is opened by Adrian and his partners which included a rich tycoon's son. Haha. Anyway, I absolutely love the place! There's good wine and good company! I think I should charge Adrian advertising fees cos I've been raving about Celliar Rouge to my friends since last Friday! Anyway, some pics of the place and my company for that night...

Oh, by the way, Celliar Rouge is at 46 Club St...

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Frustration sets in

The word to use is FRUSTRATED.

Utterly frustrated with my boss.

Frustrated with my work.

All I wanted to do today was to just sit in front of the computer and update my resume on VOG. Then there was this thing on security certificate which I tried all ways and means to get it work. It didn't happen.

Then I decided to use my laptop only to realise that I've always been using wireless and the modem is not installed to my laptop, and I couldn't find the CD.

All I want is to look for a new job!

Why is that so difficult?!?!?!?!

I wish I could just resign straightaway.

No worries, I just need to get it out of my system.

I'll be fine.