Woohoo! I've finally graduated from NUS! After writing countless essays, attending or skipping tutorials and lectures, photocopying tons of reading and 3 years of having lunch in the Arts canteen, its finally the day I end my period of study, at least for now... Had my commencement ceremony (NUS wants to call it commencement instead of convocation) in the afternoon, it was just like a mad rush. Calling Hui Juan to check if she had arrive, rushing to change my academic gown, making sure that the mortar board won't fall off my head and running to and fro to take pictures with my friends. It certainly was hot wearing the gown... Anyway, the ceremony was very boring, just reading out names and clap, clap, clap. Nevertheless, I know my parents are proud of me. Felt like they waited for a long long time for this... Anyway, Hui Juan was very sweet, she bought a bouquet of flowers for me when Joshua didn't... Haha... And we finally took photos together, so now we complete everything that we wanted to do together... Thanks babe for the wonderful 3 years in NUS!
As I finished this phase of my life, I started to reflect and I realise that this pursue of my degree is a journey that started 6 years ago when I was just doing my 'O' levels... Yeah, it didn't start when I enter uni, it started at my 'O' levels. At that point of time, I was right down in the pits, having the worst moment of my life. I had backslidden and nothing was going well. My studies took a turn for the worse and suddenly, the dream of going to JC was so far away. Nevertheless, God didn't give up on me. He rescued me from the pits and since then, I have not looked back. He revived that dream, gave me the confidence and the vision. Through ups and downs, there were times that I wanted to throw in the towel, but somehow, I managed to hold on... I don't know how, I don't know why but its the grace of God. Now that I've graduated, my life journey is not going to end here. I believe that there will be greater things in store for my life and that's why (quoting from Sir Winston Churchill): Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."