Sunday, August 06, 2006

Happy 17th Anniversary, City Harvest!!!

Happy 17th Birthday, City Harvest Church!!!!!! Yup, that's right, it's CHC's 17th anniversary today. As usual, we had our celebration at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Once a year, this will be our only chance to have the whole church come under one roof to celebrate our anniversary. Looking at the crowd, I must say that we have grown tremendously. The first time that we were at the SIS, it was for our 10th anniversary. At that time, we filled only half of the stadium, but slowly we started filling up the place, from half to three-quarters, then the entire stadium and now even the overflow rooms! This is just so amazing and you can't deny God's grace in this.

God has given us us 17 wonderful years and from 20 members, we have grown to 20,000. This is a growth beyond what we could think or imagine but God has given it to us. 17 years... The first anniversary I attended in CHC was its' 9th anniversary, and now, 8 years have passed... Amazing... I was a teenager then, was in secondary school, then JC, then uni and now I am working. I spent my entire teenage years in CHC and it has moulded me to where I am today. It is my second family... Pastor's teachings, my CGLs and ministry leaders discipleship, they have touched me beyond what I could expressed in this blog. But without them, I wouldn't be here today. And I look forward to another magnificent 17 years with CHC!

Not only is this CHC's 17th anniversary, it is also Pastor Kong's 20th year into full time ministry! Of course, the church made special mention of it and the pastors surprised Pastor Kong with an item at the end of the service. Words of appreciation were said and a gigantic (it's really gigantic! But it's fit for a man like Pastor Kong!) trophy was presented to Pastor Kong. Sun even called back from LA and spoke words of appreciation to Pastor Kong which moved him to tears! Pastor Kong is the pillar of this church, his teachings have never failed to motivate me, it has made me a better person, daring to dream and believe. God is the source of all things but he needs a faithful servant to minister His word. And for CHC, it is Pastor Kong. He walks the walk and is our example. Life in this church is never dull because he has given us a vision that makes us look forward to go forth with him. Pastor Kong may not get to read my blog, but truly, he is my hero of faith!

Thank you Jesus for CHC and Pastor Kong!