Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Beloved Hated Israel

"Beloved Hated Israel" is a book written by Rev. Dr. Ulf Ekman. He is a pastor from Sweden. What makes this book interesting is that it is written about Israel, about the Jews. The land of Israel is a controversial topic. It generates much discussion and sometimes, heated debate. Nevertheless, through this book Pastor Ulf writes about the history of Israel, its problems and its future. The Jews are a chosen people of God. Through this book, Pastor Ulf has further my understanding about the Jews, and given me insight as a believer. I don't want to say much about this book but I'll let the words do the talking... Beloved Hated Israel is a must read for every believer.
Sentences/phrases in the book that have impacted me:
"Backsliding is really nothing other than a lack of gratitude for what the Lord has done."
"Be they Communists, Muslims or secularised politicians - no one has the right to prevent someone else from praying."
"In the biblical sense, the Jews are a prototype, an example of all mankind's journey through life and its dealings with, escape from and return to God."
"This is why anti-Semitism is so dangerously irrational. When it strikes out at and hates the Jew, it is striking itself. The hate it hurls against the Jewish people is a destructive self-haterd, which is essentially a hatred of God and a dark rebellion against God's love."
"The Holocaust is a showroom of horror, exposing our perverse ability to excel in concentrated evil."
"The motive of everything we do must be genuine love, and that love is unconditional."
"...I help Jews return home to Israel because a Jew once helped me. In fact, He saved my life."
"The higher the calling, the greater the opposition and suffering. But this will be followed by even greater glory."