Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I had my most embarrassing moment in my life today. Note and I repeat: It was my most embarrassing moment. I didn't know that I could be so embarrassed.

Well, I had knocked off from work and was on my way to the MRT. I was walking briskly and I was almost at the gantry of the MRT when my left foot stepped onto empty ground. Fine. I thought my slip-ons slipped off my foot. I walked back and realised that it didn't slipped off my foot but that I had lifted my entire left foot off my shoe. Yes, the strap keeping my left foot in place broke. Horrors of horrors! I was stuck. I couldn't walk back to the office to get another pair of heels, my colleagues had left the office and I couldn't get anyone. Great. Hui Juan welcomed me to the club some more. Haha... I had no one to turn to literally.

Finally, I managed to get Wendy. She was at Citilink and would pass by the MRT while on her way home. So she went into Charles & Keith and bought me a pair of peach-coloured heels. She rescued me! Haha... Really appreciated that, plus the heels were a match for my nail colour! Woo hoo!

Nevertheless, it was my most embarrassing moment ever.