Monday, March 06, 2006
Monday blues...
I am suffering from a bad bout of Monday blues... I am feeling moody and melancholy... Gosh... no wonder Wendy says I'm a bad case because I've only started working for 3 months. Haha... You can't blame me when the people around me are so boring... Hehe... Anyway, it's no doubt that I survived the day! Yay! 3 cheers for Charlene! Hip hip hurray (*3)! This is real bad... Its only Monday and I'm cranky. Speaking of being cranky, my "beloved" Nokia 6610 is just as cranky, if not even more cranky than me! It switches off on its own when I pick up calls! But today, it didn't! In fact I was on the phone with Hui Juan for 20 minutes and the phone didn't switch itself off! Amazing! It proves me right too. The phone has to "rest" before it functions properly! Haha! I think I am going nuts over my Nokia phone. I just wished that I can use my trusty Samsung but its got a camera so I can't use it at my workplace. Speaking of phones, I want to change my phones! (Screaming aloud in words!!!) I want to change both my Nokia and Samsung! Extravagant? I think so too... I need a non-camera phone on the weekdays and a savvy phone on weekends... I just can't stand being so low tech. Arrgh! No choice...