Thursday, September 22, 2005


I went to the Singapore zoo today! Before you start saying anything or try to question my sanity, stop. I say stop! Haha... Yep, I went to the zoo and that's a fact. But the truth is, I haven't been there for at least 10 years. Honestly, I can't remember when was the last time I went to the zoo, I think it was in lower primary. I didn't even know what the zoo looks like anymore! Anyway, it was a fruitful trip. Took pictures with lotsa animals and I still love the penguins and the polar bear. But the giraffes aren't as tall as I imagine them to be. Ok, I guess they are too young, only 1 year old... I like the fragile garden but I am still afraid of coming into contact with the butterflies and I didn't get to see the full glory of the peacock. In any case, I still prefer the safari that I went to in Thailand. It was a drive in zoo and you could have full contact with the animals. I had to wind up my window before the camel could stick its head into the car! That was the most interesting trip because it was up close and personal with the animals. For the zoo, the animals are still largely kept in enclosures and its hard to take close shots of them. That's my only complaint though...