Sunday, March 02, 2008

Too many things on my mind...

Time really flies, yeah?

With a blink of an eye, it's March and Easter is coming in three weeks time. Easter seems to be coming early this year. I'm already thinking of how that week is going to come - serving endlessly but also seeing a huge harvest of souls. Twelve services in all.

Anyway, a lot of events are taking this place this year...

It's a year of elections - Malaysia, Taiwan and the US
Change of leadership in Cuba and Russia
Beijing Olympics

Blah, blah, blah.... Just to name a few...

And there are so many things that I want to do:

Sponsor school fees for a SOT student
Learn the Malay and Japanese language
Buy a laptop, maybe a Mac???
Pay $4000 off my tuition fee loan (I can't bear paying interest to the bank!)
Go for holiday (Japan in April? It's a little bit expensive, maybe Bali? I want to see the sea, go for spa, bask in the sun!)
Get a second degree?
Learn driving

Argh! There are so many things that I want to do but I know it's not possible to accomplish all of them this year but at least a few is achievable. Shall look back at this blog at the end of 2008 and see what I've accomplished.

I need money for all of the above!

My blessing will come. It will definitely come. No worries. Just look forward.