Hi folks!
Well, well, I haven't been updating my blog for almost three weeks, so be prepared for a long post. The past three weeks have been anything but tired. I was away on course at some camp hidden up in the hills and I was tired. But before I start on that (I have a lot of things to say on that), I want to start on my meet-up with Karen last night. The last time I saw Karen was two years ago, when she was transitting in Singapore for her return to KL for her wedding. Since then, she has been based in Adelaide and she's now doing her second undergraduate degree in pharmacy! Amazing! She's also in the Australian defence force and is otherwise known as Lieutenant Yap! Cool!
Anyway, we met last night at Marche for dinner and it was a good time catching up. There were only four of us but there were lots of laughter. A perfect end to a working week. This time, it was too bad that Karen's handsome husband could not make it. I guess, we just have to wait 'til the next trip then. Some photos from last night:

Karen with Ley Keong, they were university classmates!

Terri, myself and Karen
Alright! Now it's back to my course. For two weeks, I was cooped up in some military camp in Singapore. Seriously, I can't imagine myself working there and now I pity the NSFs who are based there. This camp is so out of the way! For ten days, my schedule was to wake up at 6am and reach the camp by 8.30am. I was tired. Really tired. I was having lessons the whole day and I couldn't leave the camp until 6pm in the evening. Perhaps the better phrase to use, I was drained out - mentally.
Oh well. Besides being tired, I had my fair share of fighting my inner demons. I had to try to control my temper and not to retort an "animal" whenever he spoke. My patience was seriously tested. Moreover, I got to to see how irresponsible some of my colleagues were. The magnitude of their irresponsibility will not be stated here due to obvious reasons. Anyway, there were some ups too. I got to see a colleague whom I got to know before we started work. We attended the same interview almost three years ago and started work one week after one another. Lots of things were said and the changes the both of us faced have been dictated by the management. Some things just seem so near yet so far...
Then there were the few officers that turned me off. They are so eager for recognition and they even count the number of times that KNN enters their office after 7pm and probably even the number of times that KNN has spoken to them. This was overheard yesterday after our lunch with the directors: KNN only spoke to the three of them. Now, the three of them happens to be myself and another two colleagues, and among all the officers present, we've worked the longest and I know that KNN recognises our ability. The thing is, does it really matter if KNN talks to you?! In that case, be more efficient and competent otherwise KNN would not have asked me about their competency. I rest my case.